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Legend (Isee/USA_ALL_gS1021_Clay_Enriched_Subsoils)

USA_ALL_gS1021_Clay_Enriched_Subsoils_30m (0)
Argillic horizons 50-100% Argillic horizons 50-100%
Argillic horizons 10-49% Argillic horizons 10-49%
Natric horizons 50-100% Natric horizons 50-100%
Natric horizons 10-49% Natric horizons 10-49%
Kandic horizons 50-100% Kandic horizons 50-100%
Kandic horizons 10-49% Kandic horizons 10-49%
Lamellae 50-100% Lamellae 50-100%
Lamellae 10-49% Lamellae 10-49%
Other soils Other soils
Rock outcrops Rock outcrops
Playas and salt flats Playas and salt flats
Dunes Dunes
Glaciers and ice fields Glaciers and ice fields
Not applicable Not applicable
No survey No survey
Water Water