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Legend (Isee/USA_ND_Parent_Materials)

Isee_IPR.DBO.USA_ND_Parent_Materials (0)
0000 - DSPM not populated 0000 - DSPM not populated
0110 - Alluvium on Active Floodplains 0110 - Alluvium on Active Floodplains
0120 - Alluvium from Mixed Sources 0120 - Alluvium from Mixed Sources
0210 - Organic Materials 0210 - Organic Materials
0310 - Deep Loess / Deep Silty Sediments 0310 - Deep Loess / Deep Silty Sediments
0320 - Eolian Sands / Sandy Sediments 0320 - Eolian Sands / Sandy Sediments
0400 - Clayey and Silty Lacustrine Deposits 0400 - Clayey and Silty Lacustrine Deposits
0512 - Loamy Wisconsin Till 0512 - Loamy Wisconsin Till
0514 - Clayey Wisconsin Till 0514 - Clayey Wisconsin Till
0518 - Wisconsin Outwash 0518 - Wisconsin Outwash
0722 - Residuum from Calcareous Clastic Rocks 0722 - Residuum from Calcareous Clastic Rocks
0732 - Residuum from Acid Clastic Rocks 0732 - Residuum from Acid Clastic Rocks
0762 - Residuum from Tuff 0762 - Residuum from Tuff
0772 - Residuum from Undifferentiated Rocks 0772 - Residuum from Undifferentiated Rocks
0824 - Colluvium from Calcareous Clastic Rocks 0824 - Colluvium from Calcareous Clastic Rocks
1902 - Water 1902 - Water
1912 - Disturbed Areas / Urban Land / Mining Regolith / Pits 1912 - Disturbed Areas / Urban Land / Mining Regolith / Pits