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snippet: Region boundaries, roads, railroads, and populated places for the Isee project.
summary: Region boundaries, roads, railroads, and populated places for the Isee project.
extent: [[-76.0001388886268,-18.0001388892569],[-69.9998611112121,-13.9998611110472]]
accessInformation: © Open Street Map; Peru Nexus
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"]
description: Los datos para la carreteras, vías férreas y lugares son un contribución de © OpenStreetMap y están disponibles bajo la licencia de Open Database Commons Open Database License ( Los datos fueron descargados de el 2 julio 2018. Los datos para los límites de la región se descargaron de los archivos de mapas de Perú Nexus Arequipa el 3 de julio de 2018. Preparación del mapa por D.M. Ogas y D.G. Schulze, julio del 2018, con Data for Region Boundaries were downloaded from the Peru Nexus Arequipa Map Files on 3 July 2018. Map preparation by D. M. Ogas and D. G. Schulze, July 2018, con fondos proporcionados por el Instituto Nexus Arequipa . Data for the roads, railroads, and places are © OpenStreetMap contributors and are available under the Open Data Commons Open Database License ( Data were dowloaded from on 2 July 2018. Data for Region Boundaries were downloaded from the Peru Nexus Arequipa Map Files on 3 July 2018. Map preparation by D. M. Ogas and D. G. Schulze, July 2018, with funding provided by the Arequipa Nexus Institute, .
title: PER_ARE_Boundaries_Roads_Places
type: Map Service
tags: ["Isee"]
culture: en-US
name: PER_ARE_Boundaries_Roads_Places
guid: D3AE11EF-84E5-497B-841B-5C16EA3F9981
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere