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Legend (Isee/USA_WI_Parent_Materials)

Dominant Soil Parent Materials (0)
Alluvium, Old Alluvium, Old
Alluvium, Recent Alluvium, Recent
Deep Loess Deep Loess
Lacustrine Deposits Lacustrine Deposits
Mining Regolith / Disturbed Areas / Urban Land / Pits Mining Regolith / Disturbed Areas / Urban Land / Pits
Organic Deposits Organic Deposits
Outwash Outwash
Residuum from Acid Clastic Rocks Residuum from Acid Clastic Rocks
Residuum from Calcareous Clastic Rocks and Interbedded Limestone Residuum from Calcareous Clastic Rocks and Interbedded Limestone
Residuum from Carbonate Bedrock Residuum from Carbonate Bedrock
Residuum of Metamorphic and/or Igneus Rock Residuum of Metamorphic and/or Igneus Rock
Sandy Sediments Sandy Sediments
Till, Clayey Till, Clayey
Till, Loamy Till, Loamy
Water Water